Monday, 9 March 2020

Hangarite - Symmetry!

I ako mātou i te hangarite. I hanga mātou i ēnei mea mō ngā tēina.

Nau mai haere mai ki te titiro ki a mātou mahi. I mahi takirua ētahi, i mahi takitahi ētahi atu. 

Nā ngā tuākana.


  1. E aku rau rangatira mā, anei ko ngā wai e rua o Te Puna Wairua. Ko te ara o te waitahi e rere teretere iho nei ki te paenga o te reo rangatira. Ko te ara o te wairua kua pūrena ana ki te reo Pākehā. Anei mātou ko Te Puna Wairua e whakatau ana ki runga i a koutou Ngāi Tahu, Hokitika. Ko te Kapa Haka tētahi o ngā tino kaupapa ki a mātou, ēngari, ko Te Reo Rangatira me ōna tikanga te kaupapa matua. He akomanga e whai ana ki Te Aho Matua, hākoa te tino aurakitanga o tō mātou nei kura, e ora ana mātou ki roto i Te Ao Māori, pērā ki ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori. E hīkaka ana mātou mō tō tātou nei hononga hou, ka whakarangitaki mātou ki a koutou e te whānau hou, nō reira, anei ngā waiohatanga o Te Puna Wairua e rere atu ki a koutou katoa, ngā mihi!

  2. Kia ora e te whaanau ko Cohen tooku ingoa kei te haere ahau ki te kura auraki o Taamaki primary
    Ko Te Puna Wairua tooku akomanga

    Ko taku paatai tuatahi ko wai koe?
    patai tuarua no whea koe?
    patai tuatoru ko wai toona ingoa whaanau?
    patai tuawhaa ko wai too tino hoa?
    patai tuarima kei whea too kura?
    That's all of my questions,thank you for your time.
    Ka kite anoo!

  3. He tino o koutou mahi pangarau.Kia ora Ko Rosie tooku Ingoa. Greetings to you all my name is Rosie I am a year 8 girl I attend Tamaki Primary School. I am from Scotland, Niue, Tainui and Ngati Porou. Tu mai taku hoe ki te pari o toku maunga a Taupiri. Poupoua taku hoe ki te matanuku o te whare tapu o Waekere. Hoea taku hoe i te waka o Tainui i raro iho ki nga waikarekare o Waikato. Ka rongo i te hauangi ka pangia mai te haumaru. Tau mai taku hoe, tau mai taku hoe Tainui e tau ana!! I am still learning my Ngati Porou side. My classrooms name is Te Puna Wairua, we are a bilingual akomanga. My kaiako is Whaea Lee-ann and there are also two helpers in our akomanga, their names are Whaea Tamara And Matua Andre, they are the best helpers ever. We also have a taha teina in our akomanga. Their kaiako is Matua Punehu. My favourite subject is pangarau, panui and tuhituhi. My favourite kai is kaimoana because it is SO scrumptious and yummy. Nga mihi for reading my korero.
    Tena koutou.

  4. Kia Ora koutou ko Delontaye tooku ingoa. I love that you did pangarau i roto i Te reo Maaori I really wish I could do that. Ko wai te ingoa o too kaiako?

    Ka kite!!

  5. Kia Ora e te whaanau Ko Isaiah Tooku Ingoa, I really like your mahi that you guys done I think that it can really help other kura around the country to do Hangarite.

    Ka kite anoo.

  6. Kia ora e te whānau, ko Waiari tōku ingoa.. I am a tauira at Taamaki Primary School. I am in a bi-lingual class room where our kaiako maa speak 80% te reo Maaori and 20% te reo Paakeha.
    I would like to introduce myself to you, it is ok to ask questions..

    1. I am 11

    2. I love food

    3. I love to help

    4. I love to dance

    5. I want to learn fluent maaori

    Thats it about me......
    (What about you?)

    Ok now I would like to ask some questions.

    How are you guys doing?

    Do you play sports?

    Are you guys noisy like us?

    Do you listen to music in class while working?
    (we do)

    Ngaa mihi and ka kite anoo!!

  7. kia ora Ruma kōtuku Ko Milan tōku ingoa I like your sematre it is very amusing it makes you confused at the same time but it is coool I just have a few paitai for you is it all of your maihi or one persons in the slide and were you given ideas ?

  8. Kia ora!!! Ko Rawiri tōku ingoa and I am eleven years old at Tāmaki Primary School. I really like how you have made māhī about symmetry. I would like to ask a few questions about your māhī.
    Why is your māhī just about directions ?
    Ka kite anō

  9. Kia ora e te whaanau!! Ko Azaleigha tooku ingoa. I am a Tauira that attends Taamaki Primary School. I am in a bilingual unit. I am in a mixed akomanga of year 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 6's, 7's and 8's. I have Whaa kaiako and their names are Matua Andre, Matua Punehu, Whaea Mara and Whaea lee - ann. Now I will introduce myself to you guys!!

    1. I am 10 years old.(Tekau tooku pakeke.)

    2. I enjoy listening to music, (he pai te mahi whakarongo ki ngaa waiata parekareka.)

    3. I LOVE relays (Races). (Omaoma)

    4. I really enjoy dancing, (Kanikani)

    5. My favourite kai is Mcdonalds, Sushi and KFC

    Now I've got some questions for yous! (He patai taaku?)

    What is your favourite food? (He aha ngaa kai pai kia koe?)

    Do you enjoy dancing? (ka pai kia koe te kanikani?)

    Ka Kite Anoo!!!

  10. Kia ora e te whaanau ko Cohen tooku ingoa i am in Te Puna Wairua
    and i go to Tamaki primary first i will tell you a bit about my self then im gonna ask some questions for you
    about me
    i enjoy reading
    my favourite thing to do is sleep and play out side
    my favourite food is a sandwich with cheese and onion
    my sport hobbys are rugby and softball
    i like meeting new people except for mean ones
    the end
    now about you
    whats your hobbys
    who supports you the most in life
    whats your best subject
    whos your best friend/teacher
    what are your actions when you meet someone new
    Kakite ano😎✌👍😃

  11. Kia ora koutou its Cohen again im just gonna do some patai
    patai tahi kei te pewhea koe?
    patai rua no hea koe ?
    patai toru is your school name RumaKotuku or class?
    patai wha is your class about whaanau?

  12. Kia ora koutou ma ko Delontaye tooku ingoa. I would aroha to say my kura pepeha

    Ko Maungarei te Maunga

    Ko Te Wai O Taiki te awa

    Ko Tainui te waka

    Ko Waitemata te moana

    Ko te tuatahi o Taamaki e ngunguru nei.


    He aha nga kaiako ingoa?

    Do you have a Kapa haka roopu?

    Do you do Kapa haka?

    Do you like Haakinakina?

    He aha te ingoa mo te akomanga?

    Ka kite anoo.

  13. Kia ora Tipene again as u know u will be getting a question but first i would like to ask u something do you guys have ur chrome books with u while ur at home? Do you have to do your mahi? These are thing i do in my life so i have a 5 brothers which are Cohen,Rocco,Ryder,Kewana and Jason and my mum is giving birth to a new boy so it will soon be 6 brothers and i have 4 sisters named Lizzy,Maria,Alley and Lauralee. Also my brother cohen can be really annoying some times well anyway it is time for your question how tall is Tane Mahuta. Well ka-kite-ano

  14. Kia ora its cohen again and i have e toru nga patai
    patai tahi do you do mahi while your at home?
    patai rua do you get to take your chromebooks home
    patai toru do you have siblings at your school


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